316. The tide at its maximum height is known as:
(a) Tsunami (b) Spring Tide
(c) Equinoxes (d) Neap Tide
Answer: (b)
317. Which of the following planets is smaller than earth?
(a) Neptune (b) Uranus
(c) Saturn (d) Venus
Answer: (d)
318. Hawaiian Islands are located in:
(a) North Atlantic Ocean
(b) South Atlantic Ocean
(c) North Pacific Ocean
(d) South Pacific Ocean
Answer: (c)
319. Which one of the following continents does not have a real
(a) Europe (b) Australia
(c) Asia (d)
North America
Answer: (a)
320. How fast the earth spins at the north pole?
(a) 1038 miles/hr (b) 700 miles/hr
(c) Almost zero (d) 850 miles/hr
Answer: (c)
321. Name the continents that form mirror images:
(a) North America and South America (b)
Asia and Africa
(c) Africa and South America (d) Europe and Asia
Answer: (c)
322. A region of weak winds is called:
(a) Doldrum (b) Dum Dum
(c) Chilka (d) None of these
Answer: (a)
323. How many times in a year , day and nights are of equal duration
anywhere on earth?
(a) Once (b) Four
(c) Twelve (d)
Answer: (d)
324. Which one of the following is a land-locked sea?
(a) Aral Sea (b)
Timor Sea
(c) North Sea (d) Red Sea
Answer: (a)
325.Troposphere is the hottest part of the atmosphere is because:
(a) It is the closest layer of the Sun
(b) There are charged articles in it
(c) It is heated by the earth’s surface
(d) Heat is generated in it
Answer: (c)
326. Which one of the following are known as ‘Anti-trade winds’?
(a) Chinook (b) Cyclones
(c) Typhoons (d) Westerlies
Answer: (d)
327.The outermost layer of the sun is called:
(a) Chromosphere (b) Photosphere
(c) Corona (d)
Answer: (c)
328.Geostationary satellite is at a height of:
(a) 6km (b)
1000 km
(c) 3600km (d) 35900 km
Answer: (d)
329.The orbits of planets around the sun can be:
(a) Elliptic and parabolic (b) Parabolic and hyperbolic
(c) Circular and hyperbolic (d) Circular and elliptic
Answer: (d)
330.What is Super Nova?
(a) A black hole (b) A dying star
(c) An asteroid (d) A comet
Answer: (b)
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