331.Which of the following is a land locked country?
(a) Ukraine (b) Romania
(c) Hungary (d)
Answer: (c)
332.The tide produced in an ocean when the pull on the earth by the
Sun and Moon is unidirectional is called:
(a) High tide (b)
Spring tide
(c) Neap tide (d) Low tide
Answer: (b)
333.The Gulf stream is an ocean current which begins in:
(a) Off the coast of Florida
(b) From the Bay of Bengal
(c) Gulf countries coastline
(d) In the Philippines
Answer: (a)
334.Which of the following volcanoes is situated in Mexico?
(a) Colima (b)
(c) Semeru (d)
Answer: (a)
335.The humidity of the air depends upon:
(a) Temperataure (b) Location
(c) Weather (d)
All of these
Answer: (d)
336.The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative
to the plane of
(a) Axis of earth (b) North
(c) South pole (d) Equator
Answer: (d)
337.The greatest variety of animal and plant species is fund in:
(a) Temperate grasslands (b) Tropical moist forests
(c) Tundra regions (d) In hot
Answer: (b)
338.The largest part of our hydrosphere is:
(a) Atlantic Ocean (b) Pacific Ocean
(c) Indian Ocean (d) Arctic
Answer: (b)
339.Which river begins at Tana lake in Ethiopia?
(a) Blue Nile (b) White Nile
(c) Congo (d) Zambezi
Answer: (a)
340.In which country does the river Amazon
(a) Brazil (b)
(c) Peru (d)
Answer: (c)
341. Father of Geography
Answer: Hecataeus
342. Who was the first Geographer that prepare a world map to scale
Answer: Anaximander
343. The former name of 'Black sea' was
Answer: Pontus Euxine
344. The idea to dig Panama Canalwas given by
Answer: Humboldt
345. Instrument used for measuring distances on a map
Answer: Opisometer
346. Science which studies of earth measurement
Answer: Geodesy
347. An Art and Science of making maps from aerial photographs
Answer: Photogrammetry
348. Which is the longest river in Asia?
Answer: Yangtze
349. Which is the largest hydroelectric project in the world?
Answer: Three Gorges Dam (China)
350. Mahaveli Ganga is the longest rivea In-----?
Answer: Sri Lanka
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341. Father of Geography
Answer: Hecataeus
342. Who was the first Geographer that prepare a world map to scale
Answer: Anaximander
343. The former name of 'Black sea' was
Answer: Pontus Euxine
344. The idea to dig Panama Canalwas given by
Answer: Humboldt
345. Instrument used for measuring distances on a map
Answer: Opisometer
346. Science which studies of earth measurement
Answer: Geodesy
347. An Art and Science of making maps from aerial photographs
Answer: Photogrammetry
348. Which is the longest river in Asia?
Answer: Yangtze
349. Which is the largest hydroelectric project in the world?
Answer: Three Gorges Dam (China)
350. Mahaveli Ganga is the longest rivea In-----?
Answer: Sri Lanka
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